Level of Consciousness Unity
Level of Consciousness Unity is a more complete and holistic way of feeling yourself and one with others. Love becomes more unconditional, a natural sense of joy is common, and the heart opens to compassion for all sentient beings. Many people experience an evident, strong feeling and connection with the planet that we live on.
The degree of openness and sensitivity allows you to perceive that you are One with this conscious being, planet Earth, and you become aware that all living beings on this planet, including nature, animals, and the atmosphere, have a direct connection.
Native American/Shamanic tradition is a great example of the Oneness with Nature consciousness.
The feeling is of a Unified connection, that you are living in Oneness, and the flow of energy. The personal energy field is usually felt more unified as one whole field, rather than made of different parts (i.e., chakras only).
Unity Consciousness is an expansion of the Inner Love level, where the sense of love becomes unconditional. As the heart opens, there may be a purging of the lower emotional energy that has been part of the rigid mental and emotional conditioning.
The heart grows more as your connection expands, encompassing the planet, until the feeling of Separation merges into Oneness and Completion.
This field of consciousness affects others positively due to the compassionate and loving vibration emitted from a person at this level. Unity consciousness increases the feeling of responsibility for others and the planet.
LOC Inner Light, Inner Wisdom, Inner Love, and Unity are the states of consciousness, where over 90% of all spiritually awakened people reside, including Yoga, Meditation Teachers, Healers, Light Workers, Channelers, etc. This is because the next level of LOC Presence is more advanced, and is usually quite challenging to open, generally requiring transmission and guidance from a spiritual teacher, who can transmit higher consciousness.
Common processes & realizations
A strong feeling of oneness.
A sense that all is connected.
Inner completion of heavy emotional and mental energies. Natural joy from within arises.
The level of spiritual healers, light workers, channelers, and meditation teachers.
Love becomes more unconditional.
Cultivation of compassion (love with wisdom).
Overcoming the pain of separation.
Your energy field feels more unified and whole (all parts being together).
Integrates with the Divine Will of Planetary Consciousness.
American/Shamanic tradition is a great example of Oneness with Nature.
Increased feeling of responsibility for others.
Unity Consciousness has a significant and positive effect on others.
Videos that support this LOC
Experiences and Testimonials
Related topics that support this LOC:
Restoring the Divine Feminine
Quantum Brain
Global Ascension
Questions & Answers
LOC Precautions
New technology is available to heal and retrain the brain and body
OMI Pads bathe the entire body, and all its internal systems, in a pulsed electromagnetic field, using a complex “sawtooth” signal. The mat’s area is further modulated by a cycle of natural earth-based frequencies (determined by the time of day), including the Schumann Resonance. Using an additional layer of carbon-fiber mesh, the Hybrid mat is the first of its kind to combine a pure PEMF signal (used as a carrier for a spread of frequencies).
Several other helpful technologies can be found here: