Self Empowerment: Overcoming the Ego (LOC Positivity to Rationality)
Breaching the crucial threshold of LOC Positivity might feel like an
internal pole shift. Suddenly your head is above water, and you can see the sun again. Above LOC Positivity starts the journey of true self-empowerment and the ability to change your life for the better.
LOC Positivity to Rationality is where the dense and compressed mind starts to melt and decompress its rigid beliefs. Life and living conditions are significantly better here than in sub-Positivity levels.
While sub-Positivity levels would correspond to the yogic term ‘Tamas’ (i.e., darkness, imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impurity, destruction, delusion, negativity, dull or inactive, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violence, viciousness, ignorance, and entropy), the levels between LOC Positivity and above are all about ‘Rajas’ (i.e., activity, passion, transition, individualization, drive, move, dynamism, and ambition).​

The "purgatory realms" now replace the “hellish realms” below LOC Positivity and “in-between” states that you need to go through to reach the “heavenly states” above LOC Inner Love.
In LOCs Positivity and Trust (especially the lower part of this range), one is still circling the circle of the sub-Positivity levels, and one would feel the pull strongly. It still takes much energy to ‘keep afloat’ here. This changes in LOC Inner Will and Allowance.
People become increasingly more positive and optimistic in LOCs Inner Will and Allowance, which are, once again, reflected by increased positive support from Life itself and the occurrence of seemingly ‘miraculous’ synchronicities, ranging from simple things, like a book we needed to read falling into our lap, or meeting just the right person at the right time.
However, this is also a level full of traps and pitfalls as the ego would often try to stop its own unraveling.
The Release of Compressed Negative Emotions
Emotionality and sensitivity increase at this level as repressed negative emotions from the lower levels are released and processed out of the system. This is usually known as learning to ‘Let it go…’ and can be a bumpy ride of emotional ups and downs.​
Restlessness and excess of unbalanced energy are common. Longing for peace and harmony, and the words and concepts in spiritual teachings would start to resonate at the medium/higher end of LOC Inner Will to Rationality. The downside is that it is also easy for the innocently naïve seeker to be effortlessly fooled by wishful thinking or mistaken intellectual understanding with true Beingness, Non-Duality, and Self-Realization.
As much negativity is cleaned out, the Inner Space begins to open, becoming an increasingly dominating influence from LOC Allowance upwards. The person is no longer functioning merely from the three lower chakras, but has now started to awaken the all-important ‘motor’ of the heart chakra. Unbalanced and exaggerated empathy is common, and there is usually a lot of crying and releasing as the heart keeps expanding and opening more and more.
“Non-spiritual” Inhabitants of LOC Positivity – Rationality
Non-spiritual people ‘native’ to LOCs Positivity and Trust are usually regular worldly people oriented towards pleasures, security, survival, materialism, and distractions from ‘negativity’.
In LOCs Inner Will and Allowance, there are many artists, creative people, and educated and successful or career-minded people. Meanwhile, LOC Rationality is a level where people start to reach excellence in whatever field of interest they pursue. Indeed, the corporate world includes successful and influential business people, individuals with strong leadership abilities, who have already mastered their employees' emotional states.
Since most of the intense emotional cleansing has been taken care of in LOCs Inner Will and Allowance, LOC Rationality is a level dominated by intellect, inner understanding, and reason. Many genius scientists, inventors, and artists are found in LOC Rationality.
This is truly the level of ‘worldly excellence’ and success, albeit Only the Beginning of the actual spiritual knowledge. Spirituality is not about knowledge and understanding, but about actual experience, real connectedness, ‘living the talk’, and finally, about real Love, Presence, Awareness, and pure Consciousness itself.