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The Power of Visualization: New Humanity Rising

Writer's picture: Sat MindoSat Mindo

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

New Gaia

Here is a look at the Future based on current Light data and planetary vibrations level. I am sure all of you know that the future is fluid. The future is what you all make of it. Your individual and collective futures are very interconnected. The thoughts, words, feelings and actions of just one person can have great, far-reaching ripple effects on the entire planet.

There are approximately 7.6 billion souls physically incarnate on the planet at the moment. Imagine the combined, collective Creation and Manifestation powers you all have on the future of Humanity, and the future of planet Earth. If all of these 7 billion people were to work together to create Nova Gaia right now, Nova Gaia will be manifested in less than a week. This is how powerful you are when you are working together in harmony with ALL to achieve a common goal.

At the moment however, only 41% of Humanity is spiritually awakened. And out of this spiritually-awakened group, only about 5% is either consistently doing their best to embody Christ consciousness every day, or, have successfully embodied their Higher Selves. The rest, the 36%, are still too busy learning the ropes and aligning their entire lives to their higher purpose.

If you belong to this group of 5% (people who have been awakened for quite awhile, and are now making very good progress by joyfully fulfilling your life missions), you should really spend a minimum of 15-mins meditation time per day focusing purely on the creation of Nova Gaia. When an awakened person starts living life fully committed to the grand project: ‘The Creation & Manifestation of Nova Gaia’; all of us here in the higher dimensional realm can see the MASSIVE difference this person is making on the entire planet. This 15-mins focus on Nova Gaia formation may not seem like much to you, but the effects of this little exercise are tremendous; especially when done regularly.

Start using your remarkable imaginations! Everything that you would like your new, fifth-dimensional planetary home to be like, imagine as if this reality is instantly manifested in this exercise. Imagine there is pure clean air and water, and a bounty of organic fruits/vegetables everywhere – easily accessible at no cost for everyone on the planet. Imagine this entire planet completely cleansed and healed from all the toxicity and destruction mankind had heaped upon Her throughout the eons of time. Imagine everyone living in perfect harmony; giving each other the unconditional love and respect each soul deserves to have. Imagine as if all members of humanity have completely overcome their differences. There is complete and absolute acceptance, inclusiveness and unity towards all within the human race: no matter your skin color, religions, education and financial backgrounds, nations/languages, sexual orientation etc.

Visualize a world where money does not exist. Where everything you need is always fulfilled at no cost to you; at no cost to anyone. Visualize every single person on Earth feeling joyful, blissful and very fulfilled; living their lives with so much passion every day, doing what they love and loving what they do. Imagine a world where everyone enjoys perfect health. Where sickness and disease are no more; and the ‘process of aging as one gets older’ is just a distant memory.

Visualize the entire human collective becoming so spiritually-advanced; so much so that everyone’s Divine, spiritual powers of Creation and Manifestation are fully awakened and operational. And when this happens, the entire Universe will open up for you. What ‘the you’ today would classify as miracles will one day be an everyday occurrence; miracles will become the ‘normal’ outcomes coming from you exercising your powerful creative abilities!

And here comes a basic, fundamental TRUTH:

In the eyes of our Creator God, you are just as special as I am! You are equally powerful; equally loved and equally Divine. You are God; walking around this planet in the physical expression of a human body.

There is a very important reason as to why the message that ‘You are God’ has often been repeated, time and time again. There is a huge, big GAP from at first, you ‘knowing’ something, to then change to you ‘believing’ in something, and finally you ‘becoming/embodying’ something. The more often we repeat this authentic truth for you, the more it will sink in deeper and deeper into your subconscious until one day, you BECOME the Gods/Goddesses you Truly are!

It is now time, for you to embrace the truth of who you are. Most of you reading this are still walking around acting completely powerless in the face of challenges life has placed in front of you. YOU put those ‘seemingly-impossible-to-overcome’ challenges smack-bang in the middle of your current path as an opportunity, a higher invitation, for your ‘third-dimensional’ Self to return to, align with and embody your super powerful Multidimensional Higher Selves. Once your entire being (physical, mental and emotional bodies) perfectly aligns with your Higher Self, you will have the abilities to eliminate those challenges completely, permanently, once and for all. And life on Earth will truly be without third-dimensional limits and restrictions.

It all comes down to this:

Are you ready to let go of ALL controls? Are you ready to surrender completely, to the Wisdom, Love, Light, Unity and Power that is your Higher Self?

Complete and utter surrender of your life to your Higher Self is the ONLY way for you to experience a life so magnificent beyond your wildest imaginations!

Have complete, absolute faith and trust that your Higher Self, your spiritual team of angels & guides, and our Creator God, unconditionally love you so very much, beyond measure. They want you to have what you want to have. They want you to be what you want to be. They want you to do in life, only that which you really, joyfully want to do in life. Your Divine, Free Will is totally respected and totally supported 100% of the time!

In other words, by ‘surrendering’ control of the steering wheel of the ‘ship’ that is your life on Earth; by letting God and your Higher Self take over the wheel to lead, you will still get to the destination of where you want to go. There is 1 big difference between surrendering control and not surrendering control.

With God and your Higher Self in control, they will make sure that your path is the most joyful, most fulfilling, most abundant (in all aspects), most fun and it will be the safest, fastest route to where you would like to go! Your omniscient God/Higher Self will always be there to guide you through all the stormy seas; and they will be the powerful navigation system/GPS your ship needs to get to where you want to go, what you want to be and do.

“When you let go, something magical happens. You give God room to work”


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