Inner Sun - the Heart on the Right
The Heart on the right is the Seat of Consciousness and a Channel of Bliss. It is called the Inner Sun or Amrita Nadi. The ego is a blockage of this Heart on the Right. Thus a sense of I-ness arises and takes over the Boundless Consciousness into a seemingly self-contracted identity, thus creating all the suffering experienced. However, there is a way to unblock that I-ness and restore the Heart on the right back into the Full Consciousness.
There is a process of softening our attention and focus. In this process, we realize that our attention and focus on normal circumstances are outwardly focused, and in spiritual practice, it becomes more and more inwardly focused. Consciousness is neither outward nor inward; it’s right here, right now.
The primary tool is our attention and focus. It can be connected with Self-inquiry; it is nearly the same process because, in Self-inquiry, we examine: Who is here? Who is this separate Self? In Self-inquiry, we ask the question, who am I? And we try to trace the Source of this I-ness of this sense of separation and feeling of the 'I.' We may say that relaxing our attention and focus is an automated process. ‘Who am I,' may also be used alongside, but even relaxation in our attention and focus can drop us into that Boundless Self. So we realize that Amrita Nadi is where the I-sense arises, and thus if we draw ourselves within and relax into it, the healing process will start, and the Self will begin to shine, increasing its capacity to shine through the veils of the mind.