Level of Consciousness Great Void
Level of Consciousness Great Void is a complete surrender to the great UNKNOWN. One must surrender the universal knowledge gained in the previous Awareness/Universal Self Consciousness. All that has been revealed must go back to the Emptiness of Void in order to be more liberated and relieved from knowing.
The Knower can now rest from knowing. It is such a light feeling, ‘not to know’. Many teachers at this Level of Consciousness develop a mystical approach to their teachings since they no longer rely on knowing, and thus, enjoy the unknown.
Being in the Void is a very restful place. One can rest from the need to know, from comprehending the present experience, from the process of living, from feeling, sensing, or the need to have any general idea or definition of anything. One matures from any need to know, thus taking some time to rest from the mind as a whole.
This Level of Consciousness is also known as the Causal Plane of existence, from where the Law of Cause and Effect arises, governing all that happens in the universe and one’s life. On a personal level, it is the Causal Body of one’s own Unconsciousness.
This Level of Consciousness also allows access to the unconscious, unseen, and not experienced, except in deep sleep. With the strength of the Light of Awareness gained in the previous Level of Consciousness, a seeker can stay aware, even in the unconscious state, thereby enabling the deepest, unconscious, mental, and psychological patterns to be seen and released.
Here, one can access the core of some fundamental assumptions and things taken for granted, such as, being a human being, being alive, etc. Awareness is brought to that which pulls one out of oneself and to the ‘I’ core, holding unconscious blind spots.
The Great Void is not a Cosmic Space like in Presence, a black hole, or a singularity experience. The Void precedes that. There are many black holes and singularities in the universe, but the Void is the Womb of the Universe, or like the Shell of an Egg. One may experience the Void as resting in the Divine Mother's womb before creation, beyond what is known.
Going beyond unconsciousness, the universal womb, into the Divine is the next step of Enlightenment. Usually, that happens via Grace. Grace pulls one out of the universe into the Divine. Grace is given either by one's Divine Self, Divine Beings, or by a Self-Realized/Enlightened teacher.
“The spirit of emptiness is immortal. It is called the Great Mother because it gives birth to Heaven and Earth. It is like a vapor, barely seen but always present. Use it effortlessly.” (Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching)
Common processes & realizations
Unconsciousness and the state of deep sleep experienced while awake.
Causal Place of Existence and a personal Causal Body of your own Unconsciousness.
The Great Universal Void as a Womb of Creation.
Complete surrender to the great UNKNOWN. The Knower can now Rest from knowing.
All the knowledge of the universe gained in Awareness needs to be surrendered.
Freedom from the need to know or comprehend anything. Freedom and wisdom are inherent in the words, ‘I don't know’.
Accessing fundamental assumptions and things taken for granted.
The deepest unconscious, mental, and psychological patterns can be seen and released.
The Light of Awareness needs to be strong enough to be able to step into the Void.
It is surrendering to THE Great Void. It is not a cosmic space, black hole, or singularity.
It is the dark matter or the womb of the universe from where galaxies are born.

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