About Sat Mindo Dev

I am Sat Mindo, a spiritual teacher and author of “Enlightened Authentic Self” and "Soul Liberation & Divine Cosmology." For over a decade, I have been dedicated to helping seekers worldwide with opening to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine and Natural Sahaja Self via Full Consciousness Transmissions, and assisting with Soul Liberation (Moksha) via the Divine Light and Sound Current (Shabd).
My unique Full Consciousness Transmission has helped over 1,500 people benefit from permanently raising their Consciousness.
I offer crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, Soul Liberation (Moksha), and Divine Cosmology, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your Soul returning to the True Divine Home of God Supreme Source, Adi Sat Purush, beyond all Universes.
Sat Mindo's direct energy transmission of Full Consciousness in Private Sessions in Person or via Zoom has already helped over 1,500 people spontaneously awaken and raise their Consciousness to much higher levels (many times in just one private session). See some examples here.
Sat Mindo Dev is available to anyone who truly seeks the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Natural Full Consciousness and God-Realization.
Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Zoom Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Meditation Teacher Training Courses, and International Retreats.

Journey of God-Realization
Birth Memory
Sat Mindo has a clear memory from the 1970s about planning his incarnation on Earth. This was more than ten years before his physical birth. On the day of his birth, he remembers entering his mother’s womb as a Bright Light. Several events took place during birth, symbolizing the end of karmic cycles for the family tree that he chose to be born into.
Re-Awakening Period
In 2009, at the age of 24, Mindo went to live in New Zealand. There, he resided in a sacred home on a mountain in Wellington, where a rare and spontaneous Re-Awakening and Ascension event took place.
His Consciousness was lifted out of the body, and he witnessed his body being infused and transformed with Light particles. This process lasted about 1.5 hours, and subsequently, all his energy system was fully activated. Furthermore, his psychic powers and gifts from his past lives were restored in this single event.
After this awakening, he went to live in Auckland, where he began very intense and rigorous training in the subtle planes with guides who showed all possibilities of his new abilities.
At this time, Mindo's deeper inner Self told him that he was Awareness Itself, and thus, a conscious process of returning to Enlightenment began.
While residing in New Zealand, he met some of the best-known spiritual teachers and psychics in the country, who confirmed that he was a being of Great Light.
Mindo was Initiated into the teachings of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, Ascension Path, and the Order of Melchizedek. He further received a blessing from Sri Chinmoy in spirit.
Mindo learned and mastered many spiritual practices, meditation, healing methods, and energy work practice with great ease and joy, quickly and effortlessly. He spent over 10,000 hours immersed in a deep meditative state.
Public Appearance
In 2012, Mindo was guided intuitively to move to the Maltese Islands in the Mediterranean, where he settled and started to teach openly to the public.
While living in Malta, he took a few years to mature into Presence and Non-Dual Realization. During this time, he delved deep into all aspects of the higher Levels of Consciousness, mastering meditation techniques, practices, and energy work.

Enlightenment Re-Realization
In 2014, at the physical age of 29, Mindo returned to the first state of Enlightenment, called Awareness Level of Consciousness. He has received Grace and Blessings from countless Enlightened guides, Avatars, and Ascended Masters in the subtle planes to allow this re-realization of Enlightenment.
2015 was the year of the beginning of the New Humanity Divine Marga when Sat Mindo met with his beloved, Lyonne Premananda. Together, they have been working on uplifting the collective consciousness of humanity ever since.
Sat Mindo completed opening to Full Consciousness shortly after and had a strong connection with Mahavatar Babaji and Sri Ramana Maharshi, whose Presences were coming through spontaneously and were over-lighting Sat Mindo, while giving Consciousness Transmissions to individuals and groups around the world.
While hosting Satsang retreats across India, Sat Mindo had the privilege to visit numerous Samadhi Ashrams, such as:
Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Vrindavan
Anandamayi Ma Ashram in Haridwar
Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry
Sri Ramana Maharshi Ashram in Tiruvannamalai
Sai Baba of Shirdi Ashram in Shirdi
Upasani Maharaj Ashram in Sakori
Hazrat Babajan Ashram in Pune
Avatar Meher Baba Ashram in Meherabad
He also visited many other sacred places and Ashrams from the East to West of India, from South through the Himalayas.
Divine True Home
It was in 2024, exactly 10 years after his realization of the first state of Enlightenment, that Sat Mindo Dev attained mastery of the 6 Divine Regions in multiple lineages and was bestowed with the title 'Adi Sat Guru.' This sacred title is given only to those anointed Souls who bring forth a unique Divine Lineage as a blessing to Humanity.
Sat Mindo Dev works with various spiritual lineages, beings, and aspects of subtle planes. Different guides offer their help at the right time to assist spiritual seekers on their journey of God-Realization and Soul Liberation (Moksha). Perhaps, you are familiar with some of the lineages or beings below:
Kabir lineage: Sant Kabir Das
Jnana/Advaita lineage: Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Nisargadatta Maharaj,​ and Adi Shankara
Sufism Reoriented lineage: Avatar Meher Baba, Hazrat Babajan, and Upasani Maharaj
Bhakti lineage: Krishna, Rama, Neem Karoli Baba, and Sai Baba of Shirdi
Sikh/Sant Mat lineage: Guru Nanak, Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, and Kirpal Singh
Mudrashram lineage: Swami Prabhu Maharaj and Swami George A. Boyd
Buddha lineage: Palden Gyatso
ParamShiva lineage: Mahavatar Babaji and Haidakan Babaji
Masters of the Ancient Wisdom lineage: Saint Germain, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, El Morya, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Lady Nada, Melchizedek, Jesus the Christ, Maitreya, Gautama Buddha, Sanat Kumara, and Mother Mary
Brahmanda Region: Kuan Yin, Kali, Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati, Tripura Sundari, Ganesha, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, and Lord Brahm
ParBrahmanda and Divine Regions: ParBrahm, ParamShiva, MahaVishnu, Svarupa Shakti, Sat Purush, Alakh Purush, Alaya Purush, Agam Purush, Anami Purush, and Adi Sat Purush
Yoga Lineages: Sat Mindo has various degrees of mastery in Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Nada Yoga, Mantra Yoga, and Agni Yoga.
Note: Different traditions may have other names for these beings. Many more lineages and higher beings are known to humankind, but the above are the ones that Sat Mindo works with.

Teaching Meditation & Satsang Teachers
In 2019, Sat Mindo Dev started to give a formal Meditation and Consciousness Transmissions Teacher Training Course (see more info).
Some more advanced students of Sat Mindo started to give public Satsangs (see more info).
Current Positions
Currently, Sat Mindo Dev is a Founder of Divine Marga International, New Humanity Foundation in Malta, New Humanity International Ltd. in the UK, and New Humanity Life Non-Profit organization registered 501(c)(3) status in the USA.
In 2023 Sat Mindo published his first book "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to Your Natural Full Consciousness" which is available on Amazon.
Full Consciousness is the Natural State - called Sahaja. It is the end of the search as Natural Openness is awakened – peaceful, aware, and alive. It is closer than a blink of an eye.
This book contains spiritual gems:
Insights On What Is & What Is Not Enlightenment
Demystifying Spirituality & Answering Unclarities
Guidance Through Every Step Of Spiritual Awakening To Our True Self
Practices For Awakening To Higher Consciousness
Recognizing The Value Of Presence & Beauty Of Being
Uncovering Our Unique, Authentic, Awakened Self
In 2025 Sat Mindo published his second book "Soul Liberation & Divine Cosmology: What is True Soul Liberation and the Path to the Divine Eternal Home beyond All Universes?" which is available on Amazon.
What is the Divine Path? Many spiritual paths exist, but not all lead to the Pure Divine regions beyond our local Brahmanda universe, beyond the effulgent Bliss of Lord Brahm and the vast expanse of 700 quadrillion higher ParBrahmanda universes.
“O, dear Soul, receive this Divine Grace. A Treasure is found by those who recognize a diamond on the pebble road.”
Divine Marga is a path of God-Realization, Soul Liberation (Moksha), and Divine Living. Over the past decade, over a thousand students worldwide have come closer to Home on their journey to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Sahaja Self via Full Consciousness Transmissions and Soul Liberation via the Divine Light and Sound Current (Shabd).
This book contains Spiritual Gems about: